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Exercising in Intervals

Do you know how many people use the excuse that they are too busy to exercise? Well, let’s be honest. We are all fooling ourselves. It is literally impossible to be so completely swamped that you cannot even find 10 lousy minutes in your day to exercise. Here’s the real excuse; Many people feel that a 10-minute workout session is useless and it would just be a waste of time anyway. This is very inaccurate, though. A 10-minute workout can do more for you than you think.

This article was inspired by another article that discussed the Olympics. It’s funny how watching sporting events on television can inspire some of us to get off our butts and get some exercise in. The Olympics definitely have one of the largest impacts on people, and gyms always seem to be more filled than usual. Recent research says that people were dedicated to exercising significantly after the Olympics, however, within just weeks people had resumed their sedentary lifestyles.

There is a perfect solution to this equation; it is exercising in intervals. This is one of the most time efficient, and successful ways to exercise. It can work for anyone, which means no one can make up an excuse. All it takes is a walk outside or a short bike ride. One of the easiest ways is to exercise on an in-home treadmill or an in-home elliptical, because then you don’t take any extra time driving to the gym or anything. If you’d like to browse through some treadmills or ellipticals, check out this treadmill and elliptical review site, it can be extremely helpful. Also, check out this great article on 5 Elliptical Workouts to Get You Fit.

There are many reasons that people exercise, and exercising in intervals has been proven to significantly lower blood pressure. They have proved this through an experiment done on a group of adults with prehypertension. They had some briskly walk for 10 minutes, three times in one day. They had others that would just exercise for 30 minutes straight, in one day. Then, they had some do nothing at all. The volunteers who exercised for 10 minutes, three times in a day had significantly lowered their blood pressure. Breaking your exercise into three different intervals throughout the day is better than exercising for 30 minutes at once!

This may be good news to some, but bad news to others. Exercising in Intervals would be perfect for anyone who is busy all day long, but has the time to take 10 minutes from their day at least three times. Some other people that have time may feel like they’d rather just get exercising over all at once. This is kind of how I am. I would rather just do all my busy work for the day, and then set aside 30 minutes and just exercise. I feel like it is almost more difficult to find 10 minutes to randomly exercise.

Feel free to exercise in 10 minute spouts, or exercise for 30 minutes all at once. Honestly, exercising at all is better than no exercise. It is important to just stick to exercising and find a routine that you can easily follow. Many of us probably watched the Olympics this year feeling inspired, and then we exercise for a few weeks, and then slowly return to our old lazy habits. Exercising in intervals is just one of the many solutions to this problem. Find any solution that is beneficial to you, that’s all that matters. Remember how easy it is to just exercise at home on a treadmill or an elliptical. You can save money on ellipticals here. It is honestly that simple. Stay inspired and stick to a routine.