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Hot Outside? Use an Elliptical!

It is hot outside! Did you know that July 2012 was the hottest month on record, in over 100 years of record keeping? Pretty crazy! And, you guessed it… When it’s this hot outside, how are you supposed to do your outdoor exercises? Well, that’s where our friend the elliptical comes in. Ellipticals and other exercise equipment can be a lifesaver when the weather is less than ideal.

Now of course using an elliptical is not just like running, so if you are set on running, and you move your workout indoors you will have to get a treadmill! But an elliptical provides more benefits than running alone.

First, it works out different muscles that aren’t used while running alone.

Second, ellipticals are able to provide a low-impact workout, which can be a lifesaver for some people. Pounding the pavement takes a toll on your body over time, but training on an elliptical won’t wear at your joints the way that running does.

Thirdly, you will burn more calories on an elliptical than you will running. This is due to the fact that your arms and the rest of your body are also getting a workout from these machines. When you run, your arms move, but they aren’t getting a workout to the same degree as if you were working out on an elliptical. If you still have any questions about why you should choose an elliptical, just read this informative article!

The bottom line is that if you are going to work out indoors due to inclement weather, you may want to consider getting an elliptical for your workout. This will ensure that you don’t pass out from heat stroke, and it will also protect your joints!