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30-Minute Boredom Busting Elliptical Workout

Here at EllipticalCoupons.com we hope you come to us to not only receive great deals on your elliptical machines, but even after your purchases have been made to help you get the best use out of your elliptical machines! We know only half the battle is buying the machine, once it lands on your doorstep and is set up in your house, the next half of the battle really begins.

Finding motivation to workout on your elliptical daily is going to seem easier said than done. Sure the first few days it’ll be exciting and you’ll enjoy it, but once that new purchase excitement is over, you’re going to need something to keep you from getting bored and keep you on track of your weight loss journey!

So for those days when the mundane of your usually been there done that elliptical workout just isn’t cutting it for you, try out this 30-Minute Boredom Busting Elliptical Workout to keep you going and add a little excitement to your workout:

30 Minute Boredom Busting Elliptical Workout


In honor of National Heart Month ProForm.com has a great deal on their Hybrid Trainer for only $399!! That’s $400 off it’s regular price! They Hybrid Trainer is actually a 2-in-1 exercise machine that converts between an exercise bike and an elliptical trainer! Being able to constantly switch between an elliptical and a bike, talk about boredom busting!

Bad news is….the sale ends TODAY, as it is the last day of the month!

So be sure to head on over RIGHT NOW and check out this deal before it’s gone!!!!