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A Couple Things You Ought to Know About Working Out

As with anything, in working out to lose weight, or getting into shape, there are a tricks of the trade that some people might not know. Most of these things are pretty simple, but sometimes the most simple things are the ones that are overlooked the most. I found that these ones in particular were the most interesting. Also, as an added side note, these have all been proven through different studies to be true, so they are all coming from pretty credible sources.

1) You’ll be able to work out comfortably longer and harder if you’re cool. Heat stresses the body out and makes working out for long periods of time considerably harder.

2) Warming up for 5 minutes before you start helps you to lose more weight. This simple act helps you muscles become more pliable, and also increases your range of motion.

3) Saving your energy for the end of your cardio workout can prevent you from losing as much weight as you possibly can. Opt to instead do high-intensity cardio at the beginning of your workout.

4) Two smaller workouts can be more effective than one. The reason behind this is that working out boosts your metabolism for about an hour or so, so boosting your metabolism twice can give additional calorie burning time.

5) The less time your rest in between sets the more calories you are going to burn. Short rest periods keeps your heart rate up higher, thus helping you burn more calories.

In conclusion, many of these as mentioned before are so simple, but perhaps never really considered. The best part is, these are only little shifts to workouts that you are probably already doing, so make these little changes can make all the difference between a really good workout and an excellent one.  So I hope that these can do someone a little good!
