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Elliptical Accuracy

How accurate is your elliptical? Did I really burn that many calories? Let’s find out. 

Did I really burn that many calories?

Probably not! According to The Nest, it’s more like an educated guess.

What about distance? 

It’s pretty safe to say that the measured distance is reliable. Just make sure that you maintain your elliptical, or the readings might be inaccurate. ABC News says that it might not feel the same as a mile ran outdoors because there’s less resistance. However, upping the incline can help you get a better workout.

Is my heart rate actually that high?

It probably is. If it seems inaccurate, try cleaning off the reader and maintaining constant contact with it. You are better off using it after running than during because running means moving around, which can impair the machine’s ability to get accurate readings.

As long as your machine is properly maintained and cleaned, you can trust the readouts it gives you. Just be careful about the number of calories it says you burned, because it might be a little optimistic.