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Elliptical vs Treadmill

Trying to decide whether to buy an elliptical vs treadmill is like trying to decide between french vanilla and regular vanilla ice cream. In the end, it really comes down to personal preference. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each, so you can make an informed buying decision.

Cost of Elliptical vs. Treadmill

Before we go any further, though, we need to rule out cost as a comparison variable. Why? Cost is a very difficult factor to pin down. Features and quality of components are really what factor into any elliptical machine’s or treadmill’s cost. So in order to make a buying decision based on cost, you have to also make that decision based on features. Based on the fact that elliptical machines and treadmills are vastly different machines, it’s really not possible to to make an accurate comparison of an elliptical vs treadmill based solely on cost.

Some of the things we can use to compare treadmills vs elliptical machines are essentially your personal work out routines and goals, your joint health, and your available space.

Work Out Routines

Treadmills and elliptical machines — though both serving essentially the same end goals, which are to burn calories, increase cardiovascular health, and/or lose weight — are vastly different in their method of use. Obviously, treadmills are built for walking, jogging and running, whereas elliptical machines produce a motion that is closer to riding a bicycle. Both running and bike riding are great exercises to include in your work out routine, but there are a plethora of reasons why you might not be doing so on a regular basis. The main reason is that these two forms of exercise are usually performed outdoors, and mother nature doesn’t really care what you think. That’s one of the main reasons treadmills and elliptical machines were invented — to bring these exercises indoors. If you would like to include running and/or bicycling into your work out routine, but live in an area where it rains more than it shines, or an area where it’s not safe to jog alone, a treadmill or elliptical may be just the ticket.

Although the end goal of running or bicycling is to burn calories, strengthen cardiovascular system, and lose weight, each method has different strengths and weaknesses that you might consider before making your buying decision. The question is often asked, “Which machine burns the most calories?” or, “Which will help lose weight faster?” The simple answer is, “it depends 100% on you!” The problem with answering that question is that you are the only input the machine has. A treadmill can’t force you to run on an incline at 10 mph any more than an elliptical machine can force you to peddle faster on a simulated 6% incline. You have to have enough self-motivation to push yourself to attain your own personal goals.

What that boils down to, then, is that you need to chose the machine that will provide you with the type of exercise that you most enjoy doing, and choose features that will keep you motivated. ICON brand machines (NordicTrack, Proform, Weslo, Golds Gym) all have a very neat feature called iFit Live, which helps you stay motivated by connecting to others online in real time and tracking your results. Since motivation is key to achieving the goals of any work out routine, we recommend Nordic Track and Proform treadmills and ellipticals highly. If health factors prevent you from doing the type of exercise that you most enjoy, your choices may be limited.

Joint Health

Running has benefits that bicycling doesn’t. The number one benefit of running vs bicycling is that the impact of running can actually strengthen your bones and tone more muscle groups. Unfortunately for many, that grisly grey matter between bones — cartilage — may be preventing them from running without pain. Although treadmills have come a long way in providing great cushioning, there is no way to completely eliminate the impact pressure and the effects it has on your joints. This is where elliptical machines pull ahead of treadmills. The motion of elliptical machines is completely impact free. Not only that, but keeping those joints moving in a steady, rhythmic motion helps to tone and loosen them and can in some cases make your joints less painful. If joint pain keeps you from running, an elliptical machine may be your best option for achieving your work out goals.

Elliptical vs Treadmill Summary

All things considered, there are really only two things that determine who wins in the battle of elliptical vs treadmill: your preference to running vs bicycling, and your joint health. If you prefer running, but have bad joints, you really have only one choice: change your preference. Ok, ok, that’s not entirely true. You may want to check out the NordicTrack Reflex line. The NordicTrack Reflex 4500 pro and NordicTrack Reflex 8500 Pro have a patented springboard deck has been touted by runners with bad joints as a godsend. If, however, you prefer cycling over running (and most people do), the answer is clear: elliptical machine benefits outweigh treadmill benefits.

Elliptical Coupons

We offer elliptical coupons on most ICON brand elliptical machines, including:

If you’ve decided after reading this article that you prefer treadmills, we also offer treadmill coupons at the following locations:

Regardless of which direction you go, you’re guaranteed to save money with our coupons. Most users report that they got it cheaper online using our coupons than they could even at their local retailers. Besides saving money, by buying direct from the manufacturer, you deal directly with them on warranty claims, rather than dealing with a 3rd party middle man. It’s a win-win situation.

Good luck, and happy sweating!