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Opting for a Personal Pedometer

Over the years there have been many health and fitness products that have come and gone. Personal pedometers are an interesting product for individuals who are seeking to get in shape because the product offers no physical benefits– it’s not an exercise video, it’s not a protein shake, it’s just a little device that tracks your steps.

So how can a personal pedometer help you get in shape? Information. Knowledge is power, right? Pedometers can give conscientious exercisers the right information to help them get in shape.


Conscientious means that an individual is actively involved with a process. Since personal pedometers make no claims to be a miracle solution (why would anyone ever pay good money for a sham product that claims to fix all the problems with no personal effort?), it is up to the individual to do the work– read: walking.


A fantastically simple exercise regimen that can help most people lose fat, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, increase bone density, and refresh the mind on a daily basis involves nothing more than walking. Experts have said that walking 10,000 steps a day is enough to help individuals get in shape and reach a healthy weight.


So how many steps do you walk a day? Are you even close to 10,000? Don’t know? That is why you need a personal pedometer.


The slickest personal pedometers on the market like the fit bit, do all the work for you! Shame on you if that got your hopes up; you still have to do the walking.


However, these pedometers will count your every step and wirelessly sync and track your data so that you can keep track of your progress. What type of changes could you make to walk 10,000 steps every single day? Get a personal pedometer and know where you stand! Uh… walk?


Jeff Ostler is an aspiring writer who has written dozens of published articles about personal fitness and sleep health. For everything you never wanted to know about fitness, billiards, parenting and more follow up on Jeff’s posts.