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Benefits and Advantages of Using Elliptical Machines for Exercise

The continuing rise of people who are obese these days have made elliptical machines popular.  More and more people are exercising with the use of these machines especially those who want to lose weight.  However, the use of an elliptical machine for exercise not only helps people lose weight, it can also have plenty of other benefits to people.  The following are some of the benefits and advantages of using an elliptical machine for body workouts:

It helps people lose weight.

A 30-minute exercise using an elliptical machine can help people get rid of as much as 200 calories. This is possible even if the said exercise is kept at a moderate level of intensity. An elliptical machine allows your arms and your legs to move.  This is why it helps people lose weight faster. However, an exercise regimen must be coupled with a weight loss diet in order to achieve better results. Remember that your elliptical exercise regimen would be in vain if you refuse to give up your poor eating habits.

It improves cardiovascular health.

An elliptical machine provides an exercise regimen that helps improve oxygen flow to the individual’s blood vessels.  The body needs enough amount of oxygen for the heart and blood vessels to function well.  This way, the person will be spared from heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems. Exercising for thirty minutes a day and for five times a week is enough to improve one’s cardiovascular health.

It helps in muscle toning.

The elliptical machine allows all your leg muscles to move. As you move forward you will be able to move your quadriceps as well as your gluteal muscles. It can also be reversed or moved backwards so that your calves and hamstrings will also be exercised. It can also be adjusted in a way that imitates bike riding or step climbing. Thus, your muscles are strengthened and toned according to your pace and intensity.

It enables one to stick to a low-impact exercise.

An elliptical machine has been proven to be friendly on the person’s joints and other parts of the body.  This is because this machine imitates the person’s natural way of running or walking. Therefore, your hips, knees and back will not become so stressed out while the individual is exercising.

It helps relieve one from anxiety and stress.

Exercising with the use of elliptical machine allows you to get rid of excess adrenaline.  This excess adrenaline is the reason why the person’s fight or flight response refuses to turn off.  In turn, the individual suffers from anxiety and stress.  It is when the person exercises that his body will be able to produce those feel-good hormones.  The effects of these feel-good hormones are beneficial for working people. It helps them become more productive in the workplace despite the pressure.

It helps people easily monitor their progress.

Majority of elliptical machines have monitoring capabilities.  It helps an individual keep track of his heart rate and calorie count. This capability allows the person to control or intensify his efforts to achieve his desired results.  It can also be customized so that the individual will be able to target his desired muscle groups for improvement.

It is convenient, safe and easy to use.

An elliptical machine is safe to use because it stops when you stop pedaling.  It is also easy to operate and consumes less space at home.  It has wheels for easier mobility when you want to clean the house. You can exercise at the comfort of your own home without having to worry about the weather.  And, just because it provides low-impact it prevents injuries and lower back pains.

There is no doubt that elliptical machines will continue to dominate the fitness world.  This is because of its ability to provide whole-body exercise at a low impact to people.  This is the reason why elliptical machines are very appealing to younger and older generations who want to achieve optimal health.


About the Author: Ryan Rivera used to suffer from anxiety attacks for seven years.  He now advocates healthy living as the best weapon against anxiety and depression.  You can read more of his writing at Calm Clinic.  



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