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Pedal With The Playlist: 40-Minute Elliptical Workout

Here at EllipticalCoupons.com I think it comes to no one’s surprise that we are big fans of elliptical workouts, but you may be surprised to hear we also know that they can become a bit mundane as a cardio workout. Now don’t get us wrong, elliptical machines are still our favorite 😉 We just want to ensure that they become you’re favorites too, that you know there are things you can do to mix up your elliptical workout and add a little variety to help keep things interesting with your elliptical workout, to make them not so…well boring!

Listening to Music on the EllipticalNow we all know Working Out With Music helps to distract you from the workout itself, helping it go by faster. Yet did you know it can also help “distract you from the pain that comes with exerting your muscles beyond their comfortable level.” By focusing instead on the music itself you can workout for longer and harder, without even realizing it.

Below is a workout from FitSugar.com that uses a playlist to help mix things up helping you to workout for longer and harder, and best of all, making the workout go by faster! You’ll switch up your speed, resistance and even the direction you pedal to keep things interesting and adding variety. This workout will have you thinking about the song, which direction and speed you should be going and help to keep you engaged in the workout throughout. It will also challenge different muscles and keep your heart rate up. 

This is how it works, “unless otherwise noted, pedal forward during each song.” There will be three songs that have you slow down and change directions, so you’ll be pedaling backwards now. These songs are noted below so you’ll know which ones they are. Not all elliptical machines are ideal for forward and reverse pedaling, so be sure to try it out beforehand to ensure it can make a smooth transition. One of our favorites is the NordicTrack E5.5 as it offers easy transition with smooth forward and reverse pedaling. Be sure to check out our NordicTrack Elliptical Coupons if you’re interested in for yourself.

NordicTrack Elliptical Workout

Now why should we care about an elliptical that can pedal smoothly both forward and in reverse?! Pedaling in different directions helps to engage different muscles in your legs and glutes to tone your legs and bottom as a whole! Check out this article Elliptical Forward Vs. Reverse Muscles Used to see which specific muscles will be used during this workout!

Now if you happen to not like these particular songs, they aren’t your workout music of choice, or you simply don’t have access to them specifically, you can use any songs of your choice, just make sure you have at least 12! You can try out this Cardio Workout Playlist online if you don’t have access to anything else!

Should come out to be about a 40-minute workout, depending on your song choice and how long your specific songs are! Try it out, and come back to let us know your thoughts!


“Celebrate” — Mika, Pharrell Williams
“Mambo Sun” — T. Rex
“Ruin” — Cat Power
Pedal backward
“Diane Young” — Vampire Weekend
“Napoleon Says” — Phoenix
“My Doorbell” — The White Stripes
Pedal backward
“The Way It Is” — The Strokes
“Closer Than This” — St. Lucia
“Id Engager” — Of Montreal
“Boyfriend” — Best Coast
Pedal backward
“Crescendolls” — Daft Punk
“Breaking It Up” — Lykke Li


*SPM = strides per minute
Incline = 20 percent

Click here for an image-free printable version of this elliptical interval workout.