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Getting Rid of Those Love Handles at Home

Let’s take a break from writing about elliptical reviews and different ways to get fit on an elliptical to talk about a very serious problem with some people these days, the love handles! One thing I can’t seem to understand is why someone would name the most hated part of the human body “love handles”. I can’t speak for everybody else, but if there is one thing I hate most it is the love handles. Luckily, if you have them, you aren’t stuck with them forever! Here are some exercises that can help you get rid of those darn love handles.

So the first exercise is going to be the crunch twist. This is, essentially, just a bicycle crunch. Don’t get discouraged at the word crunch, because we all know that crunches don’t do anything. This is only called a crunch because you are lying down on your back in a similar position. Start with your back on the ground and your chest facing upward. Now lift your legs up so your hips and thighs are at a ninety degree angle, keep your legs and thighs at ninety degrees too. This is, needless to say, a very angular position. Place your hands behind your head so you can cup the back of your head within the net of both hands meshed. Now bring your right elbow and touch it to your left knee, while still keeping your hands behind your head. Then switch and bring your left elbow to your right knee.

This exercise can be performed fast or slow. The best affect comes from regular breathing throughout. It may take a little bit of practice at first, but this is a love handle blasting exercise that will crush even the most abysmal love handles. Next let’s try the side plank maneuver.

The side plank maneuver is done from your side; this one is very difficult and not just for beginners (e.g. people who don’t usually exercise). Lie on your side with your legs stacked one on top of the other, and your elbow directly underneath your shoulder. You should keep your body stiff throughout the entire exercise. Bend your lower knee so your low foot is near your high knee. Now drop your hips down to the ground and lift them back up, while maintaining your position. This one will take some practice but is well worth being able to do. It will work your entire body from the side to side and burn a ton of calories. These exercises for your obliques should be done regularly.

Regular exercise is the key to a healthy and fit body; fitness doesn’t just come from exercising, it comes from a complete lifestyle change. You have to be willing to change your life if you want to be fit. That means dieting and proper nutrition.