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NordicTrack 990 Audiostrider Pro Close Out!

NT 990 audiostrider proThe Nordictrack 990 Audiostrider Pro is in the process of being discontinued. This has been one of the most popular ellipticals on the market for quite some time – in fact it was rated the #1 best buy by Consumer Magazine for 4 years in a row. With the competitive nature of fitness equipment, to stay in the #1 spot for 4 years is quite an amazing feat!



Some of the features found in this machine include:

25 Built in Workouts

18-20″ Adjustable Stride

350 lb Weight Capacity

Space Saver Design (Pedals Fold Up)

To read a full review and see a video of the 990 Audiostrider Pro in use, just hop on over to the Elliptical Review Guru.

Even though NordicTrack is coming out with new equipment that may have some upgrades, you may want to consider purchasing the 990 Audiostrider Pro right now, while it is still available. Sturdy machines are hard to come by, and at a closeout price, this machine won’t last for long.

On the NordicTrack site, the average rating for the 990 Audiostrider Pro is 4.5/5 stars! Here are a couple of the user reviews found on the site.

“I used to have a gym membership and just used ellipticals so I decided to buy my own machine and save some time. the 990 Pro may not be quite as heavy duty as the $4000.00 ellipticals the gym had but it’s very well made. It has a very fluid motion and it’s nearly silent while I use it even when I’m pushing it fast. The frame is very stable and seems to be as stiff as the machines at the gym though I know the gym machines weighed more.” –Lisa (Georgia)

” I researched several brands and ultimately chose the audiostrider 990 pro based on overall features and price. The power incline really works your muscles. Overall the elliptical is very quiet and smooth. The fan is a definite plus. Although I would have preferred a docking station, I like the MP3 plug-in. The volume control could go a little higher though. Overall, I am very happy with my decision.” –Katie (Northern CA)

“This machine Rocks! I worked it and it purred like a kitten. The machine feels solid and gym quality. It worked me out and it is by far the best machine for home use I have tried. It does take some time to assemble, however you get to know the machine and its grease points which will help you to keep greased up in the future. THe speakers sound great and the electronics are simple to use. Its a great buy.” –Eddie Munster (San Diego, CA)

And the coolest thing about getting this elliptical on sale? You can use a coupon on top of the sale price, to make it even cheaper! Just check out our NordicTrack Elliptical Coupons and click on the one allowing you to take $40 off of a $799 or more purchase. You’ll be getting a great machine for just over $800!

Screw In Your Diet And Follow A Beginner’s Guide To Fitness

Are you having trouble getting in shape? Have you tried a number of fad diets and exercise videos without the results that you wanted? If you have never done this before, it can be rather difficult to know where to start. This beginner’s guide to fitness will tell you everything that you need to know, combining your diet and your exercise program, so that you can get in shape.

Turn to Fruits and Vegetables

Your diet needs to start with a return to the fruits and vegetables that people have eaten for thousands of years, rather than processed food. These give you the energy that you need, and even natural sugars, but they do not give you the fat and high calories of many other foods. They are especially useful as snacks, replacing chips or candy.

Cut Out the Fat

In your daily meals, you should aim to cut out the fat. Taking in too many carbs can be bad, but you need some carbs to be your energy, especially if you are working out. If you do not use them, they turn to fat, but exercise uses them every day. When you take in too much fat through non-lean meat and fried foods, you are giving yourself exactly what you want to avoid.

Get Consistent Cardio Exercise

Cardio workouts increase your heartbeat and your metabolism, so it is perfect for toning muscles and losing weight. The best exercise of all is swimming since it works all parts of your body. Riding an exercise bike or going for a run can also be beneficial as long as you do the exercises consistently and for at least a half an hour.

Build Muscle Slowly

You may also want to lift weights. Muscles burn more calories at rest than fat cells. Do not lift too much if you do not want to bulk up, but try to lift a little bit, twice a week. This will slowly build your muscles so that your body looks great, and other exercises will get easier.

The Key Lies in Dedication to Both Causes

Above all else, the key to success, weight loss, and fitness lies in being dedicated to both a healthy diet and a good exercise program. If you want your weight to stay the same, you can either eat healthy and not workout or workout on a daily basis and forget about your healthy diet. If you want to see changes, though, you have to do both. To start, just try it for a month. Fully commit yourself for four short weeks. The changes that you see in that time will convince you to keep up your dedication for the rest of your life.

About the Author:

Joyce G. is a professional health blogger and writer. She currently partners with Nordictrack.com in raising awareness about the importance of health and fitness. NordicTrack has come to symbolize the means for serious athletes and fitness-buffs alike to “get ready for adventure,” whatever that may be. For more information on these ellipticals and others from among the superior range of ellipticals from Nordictrack.com, click here.

4 Easy Changes for the Most Effective Elliptical Workout

Many people love elliptical machine for the low-impact total body workout it gives them. While many agree elliptical machines are easier on the joints than other exercise equipment machines, such as the pounding of the tread belts the treadmills give you.

While elliptical machines can be a great cardio exercise machine for those more injury prone, and even for those who are just looking for a great total body workout that is not so hard on their body, don’t let the ease of the low-impact cause you to slack on your workout.

If you begin feeling like too much of a champion flowing through your elliptical stride, you may not be pushing yourself hard enough. Flying through the same elliptical workout day after day on the lowest resistance with the lowest incline is not going to help you achieve those results you’re looking for.

“If you’re ready to push you body’s limits and take your routine to the next level, these four tips will help you make the most of your workout time” adapted from a Fit Sugar article title 4 Easy Changes to Make the Most of Elliptical Time:
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HIIT Elliptical Workout for Fat Loss

As we’ve mentioned in a previous post, Benefits and Advantages of Using Elliptical Machines for Exercise, elliptical machines are great for weight loss as you burn tons of calories working the whole body. Now not only are they great for weight loss, but they can be great for fat loss specifically as well.

Losing fat should be your main focus in any health regimen, visceral fat specifically. Visceral fat lies around the organs and can be very dangerous if you accumulate too much. So how we can we cut down our risk and remove the fat?! Incorporating HIIT workouts into your fitness plan is going to do just that.
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Les Mills COMBAT- The Home Workout Based on BODYCOMBAT Classes

As great of workouts Elliptical Trainers are, and we may be biased here but we know the importance of switching up your routine is just as important when it comes to your fitness regimen. Today we have a guest post explaining one of the latest fitness crazes about to embark the world, Les Mills COMBAT. Read on to find out it if will fit your fitness needs:

Les Mills COMBAT- The Home Workout Based on BODYCOMBAT Classes

Les Mills COMBATIt’s been said before if you do something well you’ll never do it for free. Les Mills International does classroom group fitness exercise routines that get taught all over the planet in tens of thousands of gyms and Beachbody does in home DVD programs. When you put the two together you get some killer stuff. For example last year the two mega health companies collaborated together on their first project dubbed Les Mills PUMP and it’s been the best selling home workout program of 2012. And that’s with a whopping $180 price tag.
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ProForm 10.0 CE vs ProForm 14.0 CE

ProForm has some great ellipticals in their line up this year. The 10.0 CE and the 14.0 CE are some of the top ellipticals currently for sale at ProForm. I’ve decided to make a graphic to display the major differences between these two ellipticals. They are very similar and even priced about the same, only $100 apart.

Let’s start with the ProForm 10.0 CE, because it is currently priced lower. You can see from the graphic above that the 10.0 CE has a few more advantages to it than the 14.0 CE. This is funny, because the 10.0 CE is actually $100 cheaper. You can see above that the stride length is 16″ – 20″ and it is adjustable. You can also see that the resistance levels is greater, being at 1-20. So, why does the cheaper machine have better features? Well, there is always some reason for this.

First of all, the 10.0 CE is slightly weaker than the 14.0 CE. You can clearly see that because of the weight capacity and the footprint size. A machine that is smaller and holds less weight usually means it is not as powerful. So, clearly the 14.0 CE is more powerful and will withstand more weight during workouts.

So, how do you pick between the two? Both of these machines have their advantages and disadvantages. The 10.0 CE seems to have more appealing features, however, the 14.0 CE is more strong and durable, meaning it will last you longer. Both of these ellipticals have the exact same warranty. Their frames are both guaranteed for life, the parts for 1 year, and the labor for 1 year.

Overall, features are important for a diverse workout and strength and durability are important for the overall picture. So, if I had to make a recommendation, I’d say the 14.0 CE is a better deal for only $100 more. It is disappointing that it does not have the adjustable stride length, or that it does not have as many resistance levels, but because of the warranty, you want a machine that will last you for a while and the ProForm 14.0 CE will do a better job of this.